Feasting on God's truth in His Word is one of the most satisfying, never quenchable, and constant desire for more anybody will ever have. The more we eat the hungrier we'll get.
God also desires my fellowship. Something that has transformed my thinking on my time with God a while ago, was a little booklet called "My Heart-Christ's Home" by Roger Munger. It was a part in the booklet, where he was on his way out the door and in passing, he peeked in the door where Jesus was. Jesus was waiting for Roger to spend time with Him. Only, Roger was too busy! Jesus said, "Remember I love you. I have redeemed you at a great cost. I value your friendship. Even if you cannot keep the quiet time for your own sake, do it for Mine."
Christ has created us with a HUGE NEED for Him!!! And not only is it a need we have, but it's a desire He has.
The problem is that we are all so dehydrated and hungry. We are not making time and have lost our appetites! I ran across this quote the other day, "If you don't make time, you'll never have time"
I want more of Him!
Make time, make time, make time... Christena!
I feel dehydrated and hungry.
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My sister and I snacking:) |
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After a ten mile hike with my kids on our backs, we were hungry!!! Me, Tasha and Rebecca :) |
Am I just snacking?
It says in John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
We can be overflowing! :)
What keeps me from getting my cravings for Christ satisfied and overflowing?
Not enough time in the day, kids, spending time with my husband, making and eating physical food for the family, cleaning, friends, family, email, facebook, blogging, games, relaxing from a stressful day, ministry...
Wait! Did I really just say ministry? YUP!
If Satan can't make us bad, he'll make us busy. How can I be doing ministry if my river is dry?
Numbers 20:8
Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink.”
1 Cor. 10:3-4 They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. I love that!
Jesus says, "Come to me, speak, I'll give you rivers of Living Water."
His living water will poor out of me, and everyone will be able to drink from the spiritual drink that flows out of my life! :)
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We will be talking about this at the dinner table tonight :) |
When am I going to learn that the wells of the world are cracked and broken?