Just because it was such a close call, Shawn and I prepared the kids for the HUGE possibility of not being able to go. It went something like this... "You know kids, God knows all things, He's good even when it doesn't seem right or feel good, and GOD ALWAYS KNOWS BEST! And He might think it's best if we stay home."
But we ended up going to the Thanksgiving Retreat!!!!!!!!! Alisha ate dinner and didn't throw up. So we packed the bags and left in the morning. Thanksgiving Retreat, HERE WE COME! A whole day at the retreat went by. The kids were all feeling great, playing, laughing, and having a great time with their friends. Shawn and I got to visit and get to know many of our teammates better. It was so great and the kids were so good and happy.

I have to brag about God right now. Because through the day, with out leading the conversation, Zack looked up to me and said with his sick eyes and full belief, "Mom, God knows why I'm sick, and he knows why I'm not hiking right now. He is a good God." Zack blessed my heart!
God used Alisha and the possibility of not going, to prepare Zack and give him the right heart through his difficult situation.