So what is coming up?
Well, every year we plan English camp for kids. But this year, we are doing TWO!!! Camp video from last year.
This is by far the busiest time of the year! The theme is Upside-Down. We have 25 kids signed up already for the 1st camp, but we are praying for 50. Can you pray for the last 25 with us?
We are still praying for 18 more kids for the 2nd camp too. Prayers appreciated.
And we are also adding a trip back to America.
The kids are one month away from being done with school. And as much as they are feeling done with it, so am I. But as soon as school is over (the 25 of June) the camp starts on the 26th. After that camp, we go to #2 camp. After that we fly.
People keep asking me if I am ready for the trip back to America and I am excited and maybe ready. But it is going to take some serious precise scheduling to keep the family element doing ok. The kids (and us) will be experiencing some reverse culture shock... whatever that means :). Lots and lots of visiting. And really trying to make sure we can get some good quality time with the kids grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Why do I over think everything???
Why do I worry about the future plans?
Why do I worry so much about the disappointment I will cause others?
Why do I worry what others will think... all the time?
Why? Do I think by worrying I am going to fix anything or add days to my life?
NO I don't think that worry fixes anything! But yet I have to fight not looking horizontal every day and keep my eyes vertical and on His plans for me.
God is taking care of us. God is taking care of our kids. God is taking care of our calendar!
Here is our tentative schedule:
June 25-30 Junior High Camp ----Pray for 50 kids
June 6-12 High-school Camp ---Pray for 20 kids
June 6-12 High-school Camp ---Pray for 20 kids
July 17 Arrive in Oregon sleepy
July 19 - 24 Cannon Beach, OR
July 25 - Aug. 1 Independence / Salem, OR
August 2 - 5 Crooked River Ranch, OR
August 6 - 10 Eatonville, WA
August 14 - 19 Scottsbluff, NE
August 20 - 27 Colorado
August 28 Fly Back to Slovenia
Sept. 1 School starts