Sep 23, 2013

My Dad

All I could remember was someone talking to me and telling me I was so different (in a good way). I remember feeling satisfied, free, and proud that someone could see on the outside some of what I was feeling on the inside.

That person asked, what changed you? And I responded, "my Dad."

Then I woke up.

As I went about this morning trying to remember how "my Dad" changed me... I could not remember anything else in the dream. I even asked God, "why don't you want me to remember it?" It seemed to be a good thing that I changed.

Then I opened my devotional and here is what it said...

Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.  - John 14:8
My children, have I been so long time with you, coming to you, speaking to you and yet have you not known the Father.
Your Father is the God and Controller of a mighty Universe.  But He is as I am.  All the Love and the Strength and Beauty you have seen in Me are in My Father.
If you see that, and know Him and Me as we really are, then that sufficeth you - is really sufficient for you - completes your life - satisfies you - is all you need.
See the Father, see Me, and it sufficeth you.  This is Love in abundance.  Joy in abundance.  All you need.

Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me,
Phillip?  He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.  - John 14:9
I'm very blessed to have a good (not perfect) earthly father. Too often the view we get from our earthly fathers we put on our heavenly Father and it skews our thinking on God.

I'm challenged this morning to look to God in all His pefection and...