Shawn has spent this week in the Czech Republic. He called yesterday to wish us a Happy Anniversary (9 YEARS!!! :D There's more mushy stuff later) and gave a quick clip on his week so far. He said, "it was a rough start as the enemy was battling hard, but the last few days I was able to fight with God's power."
I didn't have time for him to explain this to me, but I simply thanked God for all the people praying for this week and the people in Fall Conference. God is changing lives here in Europe, raising up leaders, and challenging us to boldly reach out... SEARCH AND RESCUE.
I can't wait to hear more. I get excited when I hear that the enemy was fighting (of course I know God ALWAYS wins) but the fact that the enemy was fighting hard means that God is doing some very BIG things!!! And that is what excites me :)
I will see if the next post Shawn will write with a summary and update.
In the mean time, I'm trying to hold down the fort...
And I just have to share this--- We had our very first Bible study here at our house while Shawn was gone, lead by the pastor of our church. And 17 people showed up! The next day our neighbors asked why there were so many cars, and I said that we were all studying the bible together. WHY, because God's words bring encouragement, instruction, and life!
There are so many people here who do not know Jesus. We pray that God would help us to search and rescue!

OK, and one more really big thing that I want to thank God for. It's our last year in the single digits!!! Shawn, I just want to thank you for the life we've shared and your heart to follow the Lord even when it's the hardest thing to do.