May 21, 2012

We have decided on a house to rent. We will call it house #2.

It was the second house that we looked at. The owner was having no luck with the sale of the house due to the economy, so he agreed to rent it out to us for a steep $1,020/month.

I can not explain this, but Shawn and I walked into the door and gave each other a thumbs up. Which is really funny because you have to go upstairs to really see anything. And also, I have been praying for a yard for the kids and I didn't really see a yard.

So why did we give each other a thumbs up? It was something deep inside. We could not explain it. As we saw more the feeling continued. We looked and saw moisture problems, the floor needs re-done, the bathroom is green, and there are lots of stairs. However, we kept smiling (secretly at each other). This is good that we were both on the same page, but WHY were we liking this house? The verse flashed inside my mind "suffer for the sake of the Gospel." But was this really suffering?

Then we looked at house #3! It was beautiful. Huge yard, lots of fruit trees, big house, $690/month, garden, free car, a week free at her vacation house in Croatia every year!, lots of space, a separate guest house, sauna, spacious... and again the verse flashed inside my mind "suffer for the sake of the Gospel." I then understood what God was saying to me. "This is not the house I have for you." It was clear to me! But the best part, was when we got in the car after looking at it, Shawn looked at me and said, "I can't explain this, but I don't have that feeling like I did with #2." Again, we were on the same page!

I posted pictures of all the houses on facebook and were not surprised when almost everyone voted for house #3.

Don't get me wrong, we are very blessed with house #2. But we could not explain our decision with pictures and looking at the pros and cons of each house, but can only explain this decision with the Lord's leading and making it clear to us.

We left our home Sept. 2010 and will be moving into house #2, June 2012. It has been nearly 2 years with four kids and "on the road." We are very excited to see how God uses this house to bring many to His name!!!!

Shawn and I have just read through an article: The "cost" of Leading Movements of Mutiplication subtitle: The Pattern of Jesus in Regards to Suffering

You can click on the link above for the whole article or just read below for the introduction. It's humorous how God gave us this article with the circumstances we are in :)

God loves you and has a very difficult life planned for you. If you choose to follow Jesus, you will experience troubles, shame, persecutions, difficulties and trials. Daily you will have to pick up your cross and carry it. Some of you will experience deep pain and distress, physical torture, great loss of life and family, even death. Yes, God loves you and has a plan for you.

How many of us are brought to Christ with these types of statements? I’m sure not too many of us. For many of us it has taken years to begin to see the truth of the statements above.

Jesus never called us to a life of safety. Not even to a fight that is fair. The promise of the Bible is that God’s people will suffer. In Acts 14:22 Paul told all his young churches, “Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom.” Jesus said, “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you” (John 15:20). Peter says, “Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you” (I Peter 4:12). In other words, suffering it is not is to be expected. It is normal. Paul states, “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12).

God’s Word is even more emphatic when it states that suffering is our calling, “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps” 1Peter 2:21). It is our calling. “For this it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake” (Philippians 1:29). Paul writes that we should not “be unsettled by our trials...we were destined for them” (I Thess. 3:3).

With about 200 million Christians worldwide who suffer persecution for their faith, with another 200 to 400 million who face discrimination for simply being a Christian (Compass Direct), we need to clearly understand Christ’s perspective on suffering. It is our calling. As John Piper has said, “Christianity was born in a world of was not strange to be persecuted. What is strange historically is that so many of us are not suffering for our faith.”