I thought marriage was going to be one of the hardest and most rewarding journeys I ever willingly chose to embark on. At least that is what I was told before committing my life to Shawn. I still love him dearly and he makes doing life with easy, fun and enjoyable. He is so good to me and such a godly inspiring man. I love that I am completely spoiled by his love for Christ and our family.
But, I would say, as of right now, the most difficult journeys in life that I willingly chose to embark on was coming on the mission field. Mission life and being on the front lines is a real thing. The battle is real!

The battles are intense! But I love the person that these difficulties are molding me to be. I would not trade these difficulties for a thing!!!! And I mean that!!!!! :) These hard times bring me so close to Jesus and a dependency on Him, that I absolutely love.
Lately, I have not been fighting my emotions or the enemy of darkness like I should or want to. I have been feeling unmotivated, sad, blah, tired, in a rut to name a few.... Here was a challenging and encouraging reminder for me.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger :)
Did I you know that one of Satans favorite tools to whip you around and trip you up is negative emotions?
He loves to use negative emotions to mess you up!
He'll use ...
-Fear to terrorize you and paralyze you
-Resentment and jealousy and envy to ruin relationships
-Bitterness, worry and anxiety to keep you stuck in a rut
Satan will use any and all negative emotions to keep you down and prevent you from fulfilling Gods great plan for your life.
That's why it's so important to learn how to manage your emotions because if you don't control them they will control you.
And when you're controlled by your emotions, it is so easy to miss Gods purpose and Gods plan for your life.
Zachariah 4:6
Not by might, not by power, but by my strength says the Lord.
When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He fills you with Galations 5:22 :)
Just like a tube of toothpaste. When you put pressure on it, peanut butter doesn't come out, NO! What is inside comes out :) when the world puts pressure, what comes out of us???
Most times God uses our greatest pains to use and those become our greatest ministries.
ie: language=just one of my weaknesses
Lord, I pray, please use this weakness of not being able to speak the Slovene language well, to bring my friends to know you and to have a personal relationship with You. Amen
Thanks to Rick Warren for this challenge to me this morning :)