Zack was having a very hard last few days. He was deeply hurt with some friends that told him they didn't want to be his friend. That killed his joy. We encouraged him with scripture and everything else we could say about our love for him, but it didn't seem to encourage him any.
I didn't sleep all night, all I could do is pray for him.

The next day we were in the car getting ready to leave Conference and he says, "Mom I want the joy that no man can take away." Oh, this is perfect. I want that so bad for him right now. So I told him to ask God for it. He closed his eyes tight and serious and said, "God, can I have the joy that no man can take away?" Then opened his eyes and sadly said, "God said NO, you are not My son." I was shocked, confused, and excited and asked, "Do you want to be?" With great expression he replied, "YES... I DO!!!!!" So I called Shawn over, told him what was happening, and together we led Zack in prayer, confessing his sin and accepting Jesus gift of salvation!

What an emotional week! Not just with Zack, but Shawn and I met God in a very deep way this weekend too. There is so much to say and rejoice over. God remains victorious. God challenged us on some heart issues that we were holding onto (though we didn't even know it), and freed us in ways that are almost inexpressible. We saw God at work within us and know that these steps were very important for our future ministry.
About the Conference:
The Conference theme was "Found By Your Father." The focus was on drawing near to our heavenly Father (because even the best earthly father is inadequate to meet all our needs). We focused on growing more intimate with our Heavenly Father and leading others to the father heart of God.
Zack was found by our Father!
Zack was found by our Father!
I am amazed that JV would call together all their missionaries and not just to care for them, but to serve them in spiritually surgical ways so that we would leave healthier and closer to the father heart of God.
We experienced JV's passion for our kids, for community, and for the advance of the kingdom in Eastern Europe. We are so thankful to be a part of JV.
We want you to know that we are being well cared for spiritually and emotionally on this team.
Below are over 200 missionaries that are serving in 13 countries. This was taken at the Conference in Czech.