It seems as if everyone's lives are changing and moving. Aren't we the ones suppose to be moving faster than every one around us? But here we are, standing still!

We've witnessed babies born.
People moving from house to another house.
Pastor's changing after 11 years of service.
People who left for the field, now returning home.
And yet, here we are. Still here waiting...
Be still and KNOW that I am God.
We've visited many friends. Enjoyed an amazing family reunion. Lived as temporary as we could. Enrolled the kids in school to give some normalcy to their lives. Helped with the middle school group and nursery. Babysat 2 days a week. Saw the for sale sign go up on Grandma's house! Turned in our Visa's. Had them rejected. Turned in second visa and waited. Waiting...

This is incredibly difficult. I'm not one that expresses emotions or feelings well. I am not a writer... though I'm learning to be :)
Even though we are standing in a waiting zone in life, we can easily busy ourselves and forget to "Be Still." Quieting our minds before God seems to be the most valuable lesson through all of this. Being still before God does not require life to stop or ministry to stop, but it does require our minds to quiet down and listen to God's guidance in it all.

To "know" that God has a plan. To know that God is good. To know that it is Him who accomplishes great things. To really know, deep in your heart, that He is the only one that gives fullness of joy. To know that He is
HE is GOD! I can not describe this in words. HE is GOD!