Yes, GOD IS ENORMOUS. And yes, we are itty-bitty (see last post).
Women of Faith was last weekend. Here's just one thing I want to remember about it...
The Butterfly Effect:
"A butterfly flaps its wings in a far away place creating tiny ripples that begin a flow of cause and effect energy that eventually creates a hurricane force wind. These tiny ripples, seemingly irrelevant can precipitate and contribute to a major event. The right set of factors comes together and a major event takes place."
Can the humble service of a single person create a butterfly effect?
by riskrapper
Maybe we won't see the effects of our tiny butterfly wings working for God's kingdom in our days. Maybe it is generations down the road that God uses our obedience to His plans to work a MAJOR event. Just maybe, our wings will flap many into His Kingdom with our
actions of love and surrender to God's plans through somebody else that our wings impacted.
We might be itty-bitty, but we have a God who works wonders.
He has all the strength in the universe to create a tornado of events with just one flap of our wing.
"Small people everywhere are flapping tiny butterfly wings, creating a gale force wind to knock down the walls. Today is a very good day to flap our wings and offer prayers that our small individual actions taken together will blow down the barriers that divide."
by riskrapper
So spread your wings and fly with God's love and direction!