There is so much emotion when we hear that word. I wish you all could have joined our missionaries today in class. What a touching moment for us all. (The Kleenex's were everywhere) The truth is... we were mostly all crying (even the men) because of the heart ache we are causing on the family/friends we are leaving. It hurts to know and to think about the pain and SACRIFICE you all are having to make with the calling on our lives. We appreciate you standing behind us!
The memories we are going to miss are painful, but God is so sweetly faithful:) I just wanted to let you all know that we appreciate the SACRIFICE you are also having to make with letting us GO. You all mean so much to us, we know it is not easy for you either, and we continue to lift you up in prayer.
To the one who SACRIFICED IT ALL for us,
Shawn and Christena