This Christmas is going to look different for us this year.
Usually we draw names and set a price limit on the gift/giver... not this year. No names were drawn. No prices were set. It is completely up to the giver. What a joy! What a freedom!
This has given us a changed view of giving. The desire to give more to those who have showed their generosity in the past, is pulling inside of us. Is this the Law of Generosity; "generosity begets generosity"? Is this how Jesus feels... when we give more, He gives more?
We have also asked the kids what they thought of taking what we would normally have spent on them, and used that money to buy ingredients for cookies and candies to give to the people around us. And they ALL agreed! :)
Shawn felt these verses were very appropriate in many different aspects and are inspired by God :)I didn't get a picture of us baking all the goodies (it was kind of hectic with the kids), but with the kids baking skills and the money from what would've been gift money for them, here are the plates being put together.
They turned out! (I was skeptical) We gathered in a circle, held hands, and prayed that God would use these to bring our street closer to Him.
This brought so much joy to the kids. They couldn't get enough. I pray our kids will be addicted to the Gift of Giving Jesus in whatever way that is.